Sanctimonious US Senators Condemn Hong Kong Police Ignoring Far More Brutal...
The Senate, by a voice vote with no opposition yesterday passed a bill condemning the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong police for their brutal treatment of students in the supposedly autonomous...
View ArticleBillionaire Entitlement Run Amok: the Case of Michael Bloomberg
Photograph Source: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kevin S. O’Brien – Public Domain Michael Bloomberg, according to Forbes Magazine the 9th richest man in the world with a net worth this year...
View ArticleConviction and Removal Aren’t the Issue; It’s Impeachment of Trump That is...
Photograph Source: Backbone Campaign – CC BY 2.0 A lot of pundit verbiage and Democratic Party internal debate as well is being wasted on the question of whether Trump could be convicted successfully...
View ArticleThe Perils of Embedded Journalism: ‘Afghan Papers’ Wouldn’t Be Needed If We...
In 1966, during the early years of the America’s war against Vietnam, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law a Freedom of Information Act. It wasn’t all that great at the time, though....
View ArticleMike Bloomberg’s Campaign Staff Doesn’t Work Like Slaves, They ARE Slaves
Michael Bloomberg, America’s 8th richest billionaire according to the latest annual survey by Forbes Magazine, owns one of this country’s biggest media empires, and is personally currently worth $56.1...
View ArticleBlinded by Impeachment Mania
The latest Trump administration news is a Washington Post article reporting that Trump’s “personal lawyer” Rudy Giuliani, was working a private “back channel” negotiation this past year with embattled...
View ArticleOpening Pandora’s Box in Iraq
As far back as at least the American Revolution, there was an unwritten rule among combatants that you don’t kill the commander in the field of battle. That’s why generals could be seen directing their...
View ArticleUS Jingoism Promotes Mindless Support for War with Iran
This is not an article intended to praise Qassem Suleimani, the Commander of Iran’s military who was whacked by President Trump with several Hellfire Missiles fired from a US drone at his vehicle...
View ArticleOur Country, the United States, is a Rogue Nation and Our Leaders are Criminals
For as long as I’ve been alive, my country has been a rogue state. Actually, the US became a rogue state four years before my birth in 1949 when, in 1945, Washington decided to bomb two militarily...
View ArticleThe ERA Just Got Ratified by Virginia, the Needed 38th State!
Here’s a big deal that’s bound to become a lot bigger this year. Exactly 100 years after women finally won the vote with ratification of a 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, the state legislature...
View ArticleSh*t-can Perez and the DNC
Hooray for Bernie Sanders! He waited until he had the numbers and now he’s calling it. He won Iowa! Maybe the same corporate media that have been touting Pete Buttigieg as the “presumptive winner” in...
View ArticleThe Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders Has Begun and is Already Becoming Laughable
With Bernie Sanders now having won New Hampshire (and probably Iowa, where he won the popular vote) and confirmed his position as the frontrunner for president in the Democratic Party primaries (the...
View ArticleTruly Remaking Social Security is the Key to Having a Livable Society in the US
Photograph Source: FDR Presidential Library & Museum – CC BY 2.0 Social Security is back in the news, as both Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg, two emblematic one-percenter oligarchs, raise the...
View ArticleSaying Government-Funded Healthcare’s Too Costly is Nuts…Unless You Think the...
Photograph Source: Molly Adams – CC BY 2.0 The new corporate media and conservative Democratic argument against front-runner Bernie Sanders’ eminently logical proposal for creating a single-payer...
View ArticleSanders Goes Full FDR in COVID-19 Speech
Bernie Sanders just gave the speech of his life — one that everyone planning to vote in the Democratic primaries ahead should watch before making an decision between Sanders and Joe Biden. In fact,...
View ArticleWe Have Met the Enemy: It May Turn Out to be Us and Not a Virus
Maple Glen, PA. I’m writing this article from my home in Montgomery County, PA, a large suburban, exurban and rural county of 900,000 people which is kind of wrapped around three sides of the city of...
View ArticleTrump Holds White House Presser to Announce Much Stricter Separation Guidance...
It’s hard to take President Trump seriously. Not too long ago he was calling the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic a “democratic hoax” or a “Chinese hoax.” Last week he foolishly hosted a party at...
View ArticleA Triage Crisis is Coming, and It’s Personal
Photograph Source: Otis Historical Archives Nat’l Museum of Health & Medicine – CC BY 2.0 I’m sitting here self-quarantined with my family in our 1738 stone farmhouse just north of Philadelphia....
View ArticleWe’ve Met the Enemy and It’s a Tiny Virus
Photograph Source: U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate Todd P. Cichonowicz – Public Domain Over the course of just a couple of days last week, the backbone of the US Navy’s Pacific fleet has...
View ArticleNeither Pandemic Nor Economic Collapse is Going to Be a Short-Lived Crisis
On Thursday, April 2, the bottom fell out of the US economy, as the US Department of Labor reported that an unprecedented 6.6 million more workers in the US had been laid off and had filed claims for...
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