It’s Spring and I’ve Turned 71 in a Pandemic-Induced Recession
I’m feeling a little weird these days. No, don’t worry! I’m not coming down with suspicious flu-like symptoms. So far fortunately, I’m managing to stay healthy despite my 71 years and a lung condition...
View ArticleJohn Prine and Bernie Sanders: Honoring Two Men Just Brought Down by the...
Two hugely important people were taken down by COVID-19 this past week. Both have left a legacy, the importance of which cannot be ignored. John Prine The first struck down last week is one of the...
View ArticleTwo Mentally Challenged Candidates to Choose Between for US President?
The US is hurtling into uncharted waters as a polity, with the two likely candidates for president this November both clearly suffering from significant cognitive impairment and evidence of continuing...
View ArticleThoughts on the Liberation of Saigon and the end to America’s Genocidal War...
The following are recollections from several members of the ThisCantBeHappening! about their anti-war movement struggles and the day of final triumph in Vietnam 45 years ago. A Day in the Park Like No...
View ArticleUS Wants Release of Two Special Forces Veterans Who Led Failed Coup Invasion...
Photograph Source: Jordan Goudreau – Instagram Imperial overreach was on full display this week as the US government demanded that a pair of US citizens — former Special Forces soldiers leading a...
View ArticleAs Republicans Face November Disaster, Efforts to Undermine Social Security...
Attacks on Social Security are coming thick and fast. It’s time for Americans of all ages who aren’t independently wealthy and don’t need to worry about a serious, career halting disability or...
View ArticlePandemic Crisis and Recession Can Spark a Fight for Real Change in the US
American workers have a huge opportunity as a result of this coronavirus pandemic — an opportunity to massively expand union membership in the workplace, and a chance, after decades of being ignored by...
View ArticleEruptions of Rage
America’s cities are burning again. In Minneapolis, after an unarmed and unresisting George Floyd, 46 and black, was killed by a white cop after being arrested for the non-violent alleged crime of...
View ArticleRedistribution by Another Name
Across the US, cities, especially fancy malls and outlets of major retail chains, are being busted into and ransacked, as police squad cars get flipped over and torched, in scenes not seen in the US...
View ArticleIn Astonishing Move, Both Defense Secretary Esper and Joint Chiefs Chair...
President Trump really went a bridge too far with his bizarre Bible photo op and his order for federal troops to attack peaceful White House protesters to allow him to exit his white house bunker and...
View ArticleFascism on the March
It’s been less than two weeks since the murder by cop of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and in that short time, an astonishing rebellion has sprung up from the angry grass roots. It began among a black...
View ArticleInteractive Map Shows Police Using Violence Against Peaceful Protesters in...
Click here to view the map. It hasn’t been a great couple of weeks for the supposed “Land of the Free” these days, though a lot of brave protesters across the country have continued to stand up to a...
View ArticlePrivate: Why the High Dudgeon over Alleged Russian Bounties for Taliban...
Democratic politicians like presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and liberal media pundits are all screaming for “action” against Russia based on an article...
View ArticleWatching Constitutionally Protected Freedoms Die in Oregon
Wall of Moms in front of the Justice Center in downtown Portland on the 53rd night of protest – Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair One of the most clear signs of a fascist takeover of a nation or...
View ArticleDefending the US Against Looming Presidential Dictatorship
At least Vladimir Putin is gaining his dictatorial powers democratically. He got elected by a solid majority of Russians, and then he went to the Russian Duma and asked for a constitutional change to...
View ArticleUnsung Heroes of Los Alamos: Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War
high southwest view aerial of Los Alamos Los Alamos National Laboratory (left) and Los Alamos townsite (middle and right) 75 years ago before dawn on July 16, 1945, a cataclysmic explosion shook the...
View ArticleTrump Launches Attack on Social Security and Medicare
Watch out! Uncle Donald is coming for your and all your relatives’ Social Security and your Medicare! The all-out attack on Social Security and Medicare, those two remaining standing edifices of the...
View ArticleGassing Immigrants with a Highly Toxic Industrial Disinfectant in Detention
Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair As the first and hopefully only presidential term of Donald Trump nears its November 3 moment of truth, the accusations of fascist or even Nazi tendencies and actions...
View ArticleSave the US Postal Service and Defend the Vote!
Fishs Eddy, 13774 –Over the last 15 or so years, I’ve had two post offices vanish from towns I live in. The first was in Maple Glen, PA, a small town we moved to when we left Hong Kong in 1997. The...
View ArticleBang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang!
One of the most shocking things I learned talking with a Los Angeles Police Officer I became friends with while working as a reporter on my first job in L.A. was that LAPD cops were trained to “empty...
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