What About Venezuela’s Hacked Power Grid?
Russia and the US are engaging in tit-for-tat hacking of each others’ power grid, the New York Times is reporting, in what is really a kind of cyber “cold war” where the hackers from each country’s...
View ArticleThe US as Rogue Nation Number 1
President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are saying that they have proof that Iran blew holes in two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz linking the...
View ArticleUS is a Classic Empire and Is Becoming a Repressive Police State at Home
As I set out to fly home from the UK on Monday following a short film project in Cambridge, I found my boarding pass, which I had been blocked from obtaining online the night before, carrying a...
View ArticleDefeating the Trump Administration’s Racist, Republican-Rescuing Census...
Photograph Source: United States Bureau of the Census Vectorization – Public Domain President Donald Trump, thanks to a congenital inability to stop running his mouth, may ultimately undermine his...
View ArticleThe BS about Medicare-for-All Has to Stop!
It is increasingly clear that the wagons have circled both in the Democratic National Committee and in the news media to shut down any possibility of a national health plan as proposed by Physicians...
View ArticleHong Kong and Puerto Rico: Two Colonies Doomed to 2nd-Class Status and Remote...
Two photos speak volumes about the striking similarity between Hong Kong and Puerto Rico, one an island and peninsular former colony of Britain, which conquered and held onto it since the Opium War in...
View ArticleCorporate Media’s Trashing of Bernie Sanders Starts Anew
In 2016, we learned that the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign, even before the primary season began, conspired to sabotage the campaign of her leading opponent for the...
View ArticleLet’s Just Let Trump Spend the Whole War Department Budget on Building Walls
Liberals are upset that the new Supreme Court, packed with conservatives, has decided President Trump can have $2.6 billion of the Pentagon’s new FY 2020 $738 billion budget to build some wall along...
View ArticleRemembering Ted Hall and Klaus Fuchs
Seventy-four years ago on August 6, the US dropped the first ever atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, a non-military target of several hundred thousand, instantly vaporizing some 70,000 people,...
View ArticleUS Media Keep Saying Iran is ‘In Violation’ of a Nuclear Agreement the US...
Yes, Iran is increasing the number of centrifuges it is using to refine nuclear fuel, and yes, it is refining that fuel to a higher percentage of U-235, the isotope that allows the uranium to begin a...
View ArticleRecalling the Hundreds of Thousands of Civilian Victims of America’s Endless...
Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair Now that the flags are back waving from the tops of flagpoles across the country, and the maudlin paeans to the close to 3000 lives lost in the airplane attacks on the...
View ArticleWhy on Earth Would the US Go to War with Iran over an Attack on Saudi Oil...
President Bone Spur, backed by his war-mongering Secretary of State Mike “Armageddon” Pompeo, tweeted yesterday that the US military is “locked and loaded,” ready to attack (bomb) Iran if it can be...
View ArticleFaux ‘Working Man’s’ Candidate Biden Looking Like a Loser after Philly...
Philadelphia — At a packed ‘Presidential Summit’ on Tuesday organized and sponsored by this city’s AFL-CIO Labor Council, former Delaware Senator and Vice-President and repeat Democratic presidential...
View ArticleSure Trump is ‘Betraying the Kurds!’ but What’s New about That?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is attacking President Trump for pulling US troops out of Syria, where they’ve been engaging in an illegal and bloody war against the Syrian government and its...
View ArticleSure Trump is ‘Betraying the Kurds!’ But What’s New about That?
Photograph Source: Voice of America Kurdish – Public Domain Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is attacking President Trump for pulling US troops out of Syria, where they’ve been engaging in an...
View ArticleMilitary Spending’s Out of Control While Slashing It Could Easily Fund...
Photograph Source: MSgt John Nimmo Sr. – Public Domain Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300...
View ArticleDemocrats Make a Huge Mistake If They Just Focus Impeachment on the Ukraine...
Photograph Source: Shealah Craighead, The White House – Public Domain The impeachment theater on display today in the House, bracketed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s maudlin reading of Article I of the...
View ArticleFighting Words for Young Workers From a Radical Elder
Photograph Source: frankieleon – CC BY 2.0 I was explaining to my 26-year-old son recently that while I’m continuing to work as a writer, because I waited until age 70 to begin collecting my Social...
View ArticleWhen an Elected Government Falls in South America, as in Bolivia, Look For a...
When it comes to politics in Latin America, what initially seems clear is usually anything but. And when that some complicated political event happens and is reported about in the US, the last place to...
View ArticleStudent Protesters are Walking a Tightrope in Hong Kong
Photograph Source: Studio Incendo – CC BY 2.0 It’s hard to know what to think about the student protests in Hong Kong. On the one hand, they are incredibly inspiring. The courage, determination,...
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