The US Need Not Inevitably Descend into Violent Chaos If and When Disaster...
Liberal opponents of serious, aggressive action on climate change like California Governor Jerry Brown are the strange bedfellows of right-wing survivalists on one thing: Both are quick to warn darkly...
View ArticleWe Already Have a Fake Billionaire President; Why Would We want a Real One...
Word is that Michael Bloomberg, the mega-billionaire former mayor of New York City who watched his wealth more than double while he sat in the mayor’s office is thinking of running for President as a...
View ArticleIn Montgomery County PA, It’s Often a Jury of White People
I just had the experience of sitting on a jury in a criminal trial in the County Courthouse of Montgomery County, PA, a sprawling urban/suburban/rural region just north and west of Philadelphia. The...
View ArticleCandidates for Appointment to Government Posts or Judgeships Don’t Have a...
Photo Source Becker1999 | CC BY 2.0 Whatever your view of Brett Kavanaugh, let’s get one thing clear: While he’s hoping to become the ninth justice of the US Supreme Court, he is not on trial. He is...
View ArticleOn Ron Ridenour’s ‘Pentagon on Alert: The Russian Peace Threat’
In the preface to his remarkable three-volume History of the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky, writing in 1930 about earth-shaking events in which he was a key actor, explains his view of writing...
View ArticleBattle for the Ages: Priciest US Weapon, the F-35, Just Attacked One of...
Photo Source Official U.S. Navy Page | CC BY 2.0 Why did the US military have a vertical-take-off F-35B launched from an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean make an attack on a Taliban position in...
View ArticleUS ‘Outrage’ Over Slaying of US Residents Depends on the Nation Responsible
The US media are in high dudgeon over the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi living in the US in self-imposed exile who among other things had been writing articles critical of the current Saudi...
View ArticleUS ‘Outrage’ over Slaying of US Residents Depends on the Nation Responsible
Photo Source (WP:NFCC#4) | CC BY 2.0 The US media are in high dudgeon over the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi living in the US in self-imposed exile who among other things had been writing...
View ArticleWhen It Comes to Having Leaders Who Murder the US is a Pace Setter
Photo Source Supermac1961 | CC BY 2.0 The brutal murder of sometime Washington Post visiting columnist Jamal Khashoogi, apparently on orders from Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader Prince Mohammed bin...
View ArticleScaremongering is the Only Thing Trump and Republicans Have Got
Here it is. See for yourself the terrifying “caravan” advancing through Mexico from Honduras, set to “invade” the US, bringing, according to President Trump and the reactionary media that support him,...
View ArticleNot a Blue Wave, But Perhaps a Foreshock
Photo Source Fibonacci Blue | CC BY 2.0 The 2018 election looks at first glance like a wash: Republicans gained seats in the Senate and Democrats regained control of the House with enough of a margin...
View ArticleHey Right Wingers! Signatures Change over Time
The Republicans, worried that the party may lose two Senate seats, a Governor’s mansion, and probably a bunch more close races for the House over the counting of disputed mail-in ballots and...
View ArticlePelosi’s Deceptive Plan: Blocking any Tax Rise Could Rule Out...
Photo Source Global Climate Action Sum | CC BY 2.0 In the surreal alternative reality world of the US Congress, there are many bills passed each year that on the surface may sound like good ideas —...
View ArticleDemand an End to the Taxation of Social Security Benefits
Photo Source frankieleon | CC BY 2.0 Social Security, the retirement program established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democrats in Congress in 1936 as a cornerstone of the New Deal...
View ArticleMaking Trump and Other Climate Criminals Pay
Photo Source DAVID HOLT | CC BY 2.0 Warnings from climate scientists and climate monitoring organizations are growing progressively more dire, frightening and depressing. There is new evidence that the...
View ArticleTrump Does Something Right for Once
It’s entertaining to read and watch the collective horror being expressed in the US media and the Congress as President Trump unexpectedly calls for a quick end to US military involvement in Syria,...
View ArticleKeep Walking, Nothing Important to See Here
It doesn’t bode well for accountability or fiscal probity that in unceremoniously shit-canning his Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the petulant President Donald Trump elevated in his stead as acting...
View ArticleSurprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on his Murder...
In a surprise order signed Dec. 27, a Philadelphia Common Pleas supervising judge has offered a new chance for Mumia Abu-Jamal to challenge his 1982 conviction for the murder of white Philadelphia...
View ArticleSouth Korea Slips Off the US Leash
Photo by Emmanuel DYAN | CC BY 2.0 The mainstream US media, when it comes to the idea of talks between the governments of North and South Korea, are focused on the idea that North Korean leader Kim...
View ArticleSurprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on his Murder...
In a surprise order signed Dec. 27, a Philadelphia Common Pleas supervising judge has offered a new chance for Mumia Abu-Jamal to challenge his 1982 conviction for the murder of white Philadelphia...
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