No Indication in the US That the Country is at War Again
It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday in Philadelphia, birthplace of the United States. Crowds of people took advantage of temperatures that were in the ’80s for the second day in a row to stroll the...
View ArticleStarbucks Has a Racism Problem
Photo by bfishadow | CC BY 2.0 At a time when we have over a millions young high school and college students march in the streets demanding a ban on assault-style semi-automatic rifles, and an end to...
View ArticleWhat Does ‘Denuclearization’ Mean in the Negotiations for an End to the...
Photo by PRONelo Hotsuma | CC BY 2.0 Media news reports and commentary as well as political statements coming out of Washington on the surprising blossoming of peace talks between North and South Korea...
View ArticleMumia Seeks to Show Top State Judge Doubled as Prosecutor and Jurist...
Following a brief hearing in Philadelphia on Monday, Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker, learning that the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office had thus far failed find and turn over, in...
View ArticleIsrael Crosses a Line as IDF Snipers Murder Unarmed Protesters in the Ghetto...
Photo source Gigi Ibrahim | CC BY 2.0 Hong Kong. Sitting in this peaceful city on the far side of world from the United States can put some things in perspective. For one thing, the local papers, both...
View ArticleThe Trump White House is a Chaotic Clown Car Filled with Bozos Who Think...
It’s long been an American conceit that the way you negotiate is to demand a surrender by your opponent, and then you hammer out the terms of that surrender. Ir worked great in World War II after the...
View ArticleWelcome to Police-State America, Weary Traveler
My wife Joyce and I came home last week from a three-week trip to Manila in the Philippines, and to Hong Kong and Beijing in China. Even though Philippines President Rodrigo Dutarte has an ongoing...
View ArticleWe Need a Mass Movement to Save and Expand Social Security and Medicare
The latest report of the Social Security Administration trustees is out, and as usual they are issuing dire warnings that the Social Security system is heading for the rocks. The Trust Fund — extra...
View ArticleHowever Tenuous and Whatever His Motives, Trump’s Summit Agreement with Kim...
Photo by White House Communications Agency | Public Domain The summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un was pretty much all symbols and no solid content —...
View ArticleSome Straight Talk for Younger People on Social Security (and Medicare too)
Photo by AFGE | CC BY 2.0 Let me start out with full disclosure: I’m 69 and next April I will start collecting $30.000 a year in Social Security benefits — the amount I qualify for on the basis of both...
View ArticleA Recipe for Disaster
Over a generation ago, engineer Bill Smith, working at Motorola, developed a management system called Six-Sigma, designed to help companies avoid quality problems in their products and business...
View ArticleStop Whining and Start Organizing
The wailing you hear from public sector unions and from trade unions in general in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Wednesday Janus decision banning the mandatory payment of fees to unions by workers...
View ArticleReady for a New ‘Missile Gap’ and Arms Race?
It’s July 4. Do you want fireworks? You’re in luck, because that’s what your militarist government wants to deliver. You may have to wait a bit, but what’s in store is a new arms race, a new era of...
View ArticleUndermining Trump-Putin Summit Means Promoting War
Timing isn’t everything, but in politics it’s important, and the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence for allegedly being behind the supposed hacking of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 in an...
View ArticleSenate Democrats, with Few Exceptions, are a Gang of War-Mongers
Democrats in the US Senate showed themselves to be just another war party this week, with 40 of their number out of 47 voting to pass a record $717-billion military budget for FY 2019. Only seven...
View ArticleMystery of the Underpaid American Worker
Economists say they are stumped by a mystery: Since the US economy is doing so well, and unemployment is down to below 4%, which many argue is close to “full employment” in historic US terms, why is it...
View ArticleMainstream Media Hypocrisy on Display
Some 300 newspapers, large and small, joined today in publishing, often on their front pages, editorials defending the First Amendment’s freedom of the press, often making note of their own efforts to...
View ArticleWinning a Small Victory is Still Winning
I found them today: five plump zebra-striped caterpillars munching with gusto on milkweed leaves in an area of the tall dark-leaved plants growing in my front yard. The beautiful orange-and-black...
View ArticleIs it Treason or a Defense of the Constitution?
Photo Source Francisco Anzola | CC BY 2.0 Most of the uproar, left and right, about the revelation — in both a NY Times anonymous opinion page article by a “high official” in the White House, and a new...
View ArticleThe Kavanaugh Hearing is About Political Posturing, Not Keeping a Political...
The politically ambitious mainstream Democratic Senator Cory Booker has been posing as a courageous man ready to put his seat in the Senate at risk by violating Senate rules and releasing...
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