The Decay of American Media
Patrick L. Smith on the decline and fall of American journalism; Peter Lee on China and its Uyghur problem; Dave Macaray on brain trauma, profits and the NFL; Lee Ballinger on the bloody history of...
View ArticleColonialism of the Mind
“Les intellectuels ont toujours été des courtisans. Ils ont toujours vécu dans le palais.” “Intellectuals have always been courtesans. They have always lived in the palace.” – Pier Paolo Pasolini...
View ArticleParis, the New Normal?
Diana Johnstone files an in-depth report from Paris on the political reaction to the Charlie Hebdo shootings; The Treachery of the Black Political Class: Margaret Kimberley charts the rise and fall of...
View ArticleAnatomy of Torture
Historian Christopher Dietrich on the 100-year-long history of American torture; Jeffrey St. Clair on the implications of giving impunity to the CIA’s torturers; Chris Floyd on how the US has exported...
View ArticleBeware the Supporter Scorned: Upstate New York Trump Voters Hit Hard in...
If President Donald Trump is successful in getting key parts of his proposed budget passed by the Republican-led Congress — especially his cuts in Medicaid and in the Food Stamp program — he is certain...
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