Terrorism and Assassinations in Venezuela
Last Friday, the centre of Caracas was filled with thousands of mourning citizens as they accompanied two flag draped coffins loaded with flowers they had cast upon it in homage. If a Member of...
View ArticleKrugman’s Vocabulary Needs an Upgrade
Paul Krugman’s “Voodoo Economics, The Next Generation” does not make any more sense today than it did back in 1980 when presidential candidate G. W. Bush used this term to criticize Ronald Reagan’s...
View ArticleTwitter Sues US Government
The Defendants’ position forces Twitter either to engage in speech that has been preapproved by government officials or else to refrain from speaking altogether. -Twitter, Inc. complaint against the...
View ArticleWhen the Military Brass Turn Pundits
I’ve been concerned about top officers in our military stepping up to the microphone and announcing their opinions on what the foreign policy of the United States should be. For example a few weeks ago...
View ArticleMexico’s Drug War is Killing Children
Many countries prohibit deploying their military for domestic law enforcement: it’s a recipe for violent authoritarian abuse. But the Obama administration’s prohibitionist drug war is funding and...
View ArticleThe Token Palestinian and Authentic Narrative
I recall, with particular awkwardness, my first talk at a socialist student gathering at the University of Washington in Seattle nearly two decades ago. When I tried to offer an authentic view of the...
View ArticleThe Return of Nicolas Sarkozy
London. Midway through his presidency, François Hollande is on the ropes: He is the most unpopular president of the Fifth Republic, and his brand of pro-business and austerity policies is almost...
View ArticleDuvalier vs. Aristide
The October 4 death of former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier in Port-au-Prince has justly garnered world-wide attention. But too much about current Haitian politics has been left out of this...
View ArticleThe ‘World Versus Bank’ Seen From South Africa
Durban. In Washington, DC and ten countries across the globe, protests on October 10 target the World Bank during its Annual Meeting. Many are asking, isn’t 70 a dignified age for institutional...
View ArticleAnnual Fundraising Appeal
Calling All CounterPunchers! We interrupt your regular reading habits to bring you the following important announcement: CounterPunch needs your financial support! Either we meet our fundraising goal...
View ArticleAn Electronic Silent Spring
In 1960, in a hospital a few miles uptown, my mother gave birth to me under bright, electric lights with an epidural that erased her pain and made her unconscious for my arrival. While my mother slept...
View ArticleDemocracy Works in Haiti
“Democracy works in Haiti.” Brian Concannon (who made the statement, p. 157), Mario Joseph, Fran Quigley, the author of How Human Rights Can Build Haiti: Activists, Lawyers and the Grassroots Campaign,...
View ArticleI Am a Patriot
On Thursday, November 13, I dropped down in my seat at the hearing room of the House Armed Services Committee on the Administration’s Strategy and Military Campaign against ISIL, a little depressed at...
View ArticleDo Wars Really Defend “America’s Freedom”?
U.S. politicians and pundits are fond of saying that America’s wars have defended America’s freedom. But the historical record doesn’t bear out this contention. In fact, over the past century, U.S....
View ArticleThe Decay of American Media
Patrick L. Smith on the decline and fall of American journalism; Peter Lee on China and its Uyghur problem; Dave Macaray on brain trauma, profits and the NFL; Lee Ballinger on the bloody history of...
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