Bomber Biden Sends B-52s in Tantrum over Taliban Advance
In what can only be called a criminal and murderous tantrum by a loser, the United States, on the order of President Joe Biden, has begun dispatching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and AC-130 fixed-wing...
View ArticleBomber Biden Sends B-52s in Tantrum Over Taliban Advance
In what can only be called a criminal and murderous tantrum by a loser, the United States, on the order of President Joe Biden, has begun dispatching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and AC-130 fixed-wing...
View ArticleWhy Did the Afghan Army Fold So Fast? Because They had Nothing to Fight For
American pundits, politicians and Pentagon apologists are all casting about trying to find the reason why the Afghanistan military, supposedly 300,000 trained people in uniform and supplied with over...
View ArticleKids Die Last as Biden Plays Tough Guy
First there was a catastrophic but predictable attack on US and Taliban troops as well as desperate civilians trying to escape the ruins and chaos of the country the US occupier was leaving behind to...
View ArticleCat 4 and 5 Hurricanes, Tornados Where They Haven’t Been, and Rising Temps...
While hurricanes, even a powerful Cat 4 storm like Ida with 150 mph sustained winds as it reached the coast of Louisiana, weaken quickly once they leave a warm body of water, and become no more than...
View ArticleThe Rich are Different: They’re Richer Than Us and Far Greedier
F. Scott Fitzgerald is famously said to have once remarked to his pal Ernest Hemingway, “The rich are different from you and me, Ernest,” to which Hemingway is said to have replied, “Yes, they have...
View ArticleThe US is Set to Make Nuclear War More Likely
The US is about to move towards a far more likely first use of nuclear weapons, with word that the Air Force has “completed flight testing” of the cost-and-performance-plagued F35A Lightning fighter,...
View ArticleLet’s Just be Honest and Call November 11 Forgetting Day
Back on November 11, 1918, with the end of World War I, once the most bloody war in history, and with a two-year deadly flu pandemic raging, caused in large part by the war and the rapid spread of the...
View ArticleIf Roe v Wade Ends, So Will Easy Re-Elections for Right-Wing Republicans and...
It’s looking like Trump’s three nominees on the US Supreme Court, joining three other Republican appointees to give that court its largest reactionary majority in memory is about to overturn Roe v....
View ArticleDefend Socialism in One Demographic!
In the bizarro world of politics in the United States today, probably the most radical government program that exists — the one most close to a socialist idea that actually works and is popular with...
View ArticleLeftist Presidential Candidate’s Landslide Promises Clean Sweep of Pinochet’s...
Ever since the 9-11 attack on the US, people here had this mantra that 9-11 “changed everything.” It’s a gross overstatement of course. The country has been moving steadily into becoming a “national...
View ArticleThe LAPD Murder of a 14-Year-Old Girl
The shooting death by Los Angeles Police of 14-year-old Valentina Orellana-Peralta, who died in a changing room of a Burlington Outlet store while with her mother trying on a dress for her coming 15th...
View ArticlePentagon Fails Audit (Again!)
That’s what should have been the biggest news of 2021. Instead, the story, which broke on November 17, was largely ignored or buried. The nation’s two main newspapers, the Washington Post and the New...
View ArticleCapitalism and the Profit-Motive Didn’t Create the James Webb Space Telescope
We have two good examples of economic systems and individual scientific workers doing what they do that offer a good illustration of why the US is so screwed up, and why it doesn’t have to be that way....
View ArticleHow Can the US Accuse Any Nation of Violating ‘Rules-Based International Order’?
Sometimes the hypocrisy of the US government, especially when it comes to foreign affairs, is just too much to let pass. The latest example of this is the Ukraine crisis, where the US pretty much...
View ArticleDon’t Be Too Mad about MAD. Somehow, It’s Kept Us from a Nuclear War for 77...
The latest events in Ukraine have demonstrated the ugly but effective operation of Mutual Assured Destruction — the frightening and incredibly costly state of affairs in this world that arrived in...
View ArticleWelcome to the New ‘New World Order’
The Western nations and especially the United States awoke today to a new world today. After decades of hearing US politicians boastingly describe the US as the “exceptional nation,” justifying its...
View ArticleTime for the US to Take the Lead for Peace in Ukraine
The sad state of what used to be the peace movement in the US is on display today in the nation’s capital and on the highways leading to it. As a bloody and dangerous war is raging in Ukraine between...
View ArticleIf the US or NATO Put Fighters in the Air Over Ukraine We’d Have World War
“Clearly, in the absence of a U.N. resolution, which Russia would veto, a strong coalition of like-minded nations should step in and seriously consider a no-fly zone over the Ukraine.”...
View ArticleGermany Deserves a Big Share of the Blame for the Ukraine Disaster
Nobody is talking about the blame that must be shouldered by the German government for the crisis and humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. Sure Russia is guilty of a huge war crime in invading Ukraine....
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