Domestic Surveillance Blimp Goes AWOL
Most Americans living in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic region of the country probably didn’t realize that for the last year or so they’ve been being spied on from the sky by a sophisticated...
View ArticleBudget Deal Fine Print Axes Benefit for Married Social Security Beneficiaries
In what might be an opening salvo in the undermining of Social Security benefits by a coalition of Republicans in Congress, President Obama, and many corporatist Congressional Democrats, the new...
View ArticleUS Spy Sats See Everything, Except when the Government Says They Didn’t
There is something fishy going on in the way the US is talking about civilian plane crashes that are in some way linked, or said to be linked to Russia. In the case of the latest tragic mid-air...
View ArticleNo More Veterans!
I had two grandfathers who fought — and I mean fought — in World War I. Both of them were in the trenches in France. One, my paternal grandfather William Lindorff, received a Silver Star for heroism...
View ArticleThe US Media and Propaganda
Are the American corporate media largely propaganda organs, or news organizations? Here are a few points to consider, and then you the reader can decide. Check out how one should objectively answer...
View ArticleAn Invisible US Hand Leading to War? Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet was an...
In considering the terrifying but also sadly predictable news of a Russian fighter jet being downed by two Turkish fighters, let’s start with one almost certain assumption — an assumption that no doubt...
View ArticleGen. John Campbell, Commander in Afghanistan and Serial Liar
“US forces would never intentionally strike a hospital.” — US Commander of NATO Forces in Afghanistan Gen. John Campbell After weeks of lies, the Obama administration and the Pentagon, unable to find...
View ArticleBut They’re Muslims! Terror, Civil Liberties and American Passivity
A staggering 168 people, 12 times as many as those killed earlier this week in San Bernardino, and including a whole daycare center class of 15 little children, were killed by a crazed terrorist in the...
View ArticleCan Capitalism and Mankind Both Survive?
Scientists have for decades recognized climate change as an existential crisis facing mankind, but the US media, hamstrung by a self-inflicted obsession with presenting “both sides” of every story even...
View ArticleMumia Abu-Jamal Gets Federal Court Hearing
It’s always risky to try to second-guess how a judge will ultimately rule, simply based on that judge’s comments during a court hearing, or on which side’s attorney has objections over-ruled more...
View ArticleNo Denying It, Climate Change Is Happening Now
The leaves came off the last trees — a crabapple, a willow and a hardy Norway maple — during the first week of December this year, surely the latest I can remember seeing leaves on trees since we moved...
View ArticleRuling Due Soon on Mumia Non-Treatment Policy Challenge
Following three days of contentious testimony in a courtroom in Scranton, PA late last month, a federal district judge is considering a legal petition by Pennsylvania’s most well-known prisoner Mumia...
View ArticlePennsylvania’s Barbaric Protocol for Non-Treatment of Prisoners with Hep-C
One of the most astonishing things to come out of a three-day hearing in federal court in Scranton, where noted prisoner-for-life Mumia Abu-Jamal was last month seeking an injunction to force the...
View ArticleWhat’s Behind the Fed’s Decision to Raise Interest Rates in a Struggling...
Much has been written and broadcast over the past few weeks in the financial media and the business pages of general-interest newspapers debating the wisdom of the decision in December by Fed Chair...
View ArticleWe Need a Mass Movement Demanding Real Social Security and Medicare for All
The rising fortunes of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist US senator from Vermont, in the Democratic presidential primaries, provides a unique opportunity...
View ArticleIs Sanders a Political Rebel?
I admit I’ve been slow to warm up to the idea of supporting Bernie Sanders. Maybe it’s because I publicly backed Barack Obama in 2008 and quickly came to rue that decision after he took office. But I...
View ArticleClinton Now Red-Baiting Sanders
Someone should have warned Hillary Clinton and the goon squad at the Democratic National Committee that old-fashioned red-baiting isn’t going to cut it in today’s United States. It’s not the 1950s...
View ArticleBloomberg: a Candidate of, By and For the 0.01%
Even as Bernie Sanders’ insurgent “democratic socialist” campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination is really starting to look like it might actually succeed, with polls now showing...
View ArticleOn the Death of Supreme Court Junket King Scalia
It’s appropriate that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died at a luxury resort while freeloading as the guest of thus far unidentified wealthy sponsors as one of 40 guests at a private...
View ArticleStriking Out at the New York Times
As Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination continues to strengthen, so do the attacks on him by the establishment corporate media, which are reflexively...
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